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From Bihar's Heart to India's Pride: The Inspiring UPSC Journey of IES Chandan Sharma

April 22, 2024


4 Minutes

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In the competitive world of UPSC examinations, where every aspirant dreams of securing a top rank, motivation plays a pivotal role. Chandan Sharma’s journey to securing an All India Rank 3 in the 2019 Indian Engineering Services exam is an example of this belief. Hailing from a small village in Bihar, Chandan’s narrative of unwavering determination, fueled by the support of loved ones, is living proof of how one can transform aspirations into reality. 

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Early Life and Challenges

Chandan was born in Sujola, a village in the Jahanabad district of Bihar. His father, an army officer, retired in 2010, prompting the family to move to Maharashtra. He completed his schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya and harboured dreams of cracking the prestigious IIT exams. However, fate had other plans, and he fell short by just four marks. Not one to give up easily, he tried again but could not make the cut.

Despite these setbacks, his resolve remained unshaken. He appeared for the AIEEE and secured admission to the Army Institute of Technology, Pune, where he pursued Mechanical Engineering. His academic journey was not just about books; it was here that he found a group of trusted friends who would later play a crucial role in his UPSC journey.

The Turning Point

After completing his engineering, Chandan joined Schaeffler Bearings Company in Pune, where he worked for two years. It was during this time that he witnessed his batchmates achieving remarkable ranks in the IES exam, which ignited a spark within him to prepare for the UPSC exam. In May 2017, he made a life-altering decision to quit his job and dedicate himself fully to UPSC preparation. Despite having a loan of 3 lakhs rupees, he was determined to make it on his own, without relying on his parents' financial support.

Also read: From Hindi Medium to IPS: The Incredible UPSC Journey of Vikas Gupta

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The Power of Motivation

Chandan’s journey was not devoid of challenges. There were moments of doubt and demotivation, but he found inspiration in the story of the Chinese Bamboo. According to legend, the Chinese bamboo tree takes five years to grow. During the first four years, it barely grows at all, staying underground and seemingly doing nothing. It is only in the fifth year that the bamboo tree suddenly shoots up, growing as much as 80 feet in just six weeks. One key takeaway is that patience leads to unexpected rewards. The Chinese bamboo tree grows so quickly in the fifth year that it is often called a “miracle plant”. But the truth is, it is not a miracle at all – it is the result of years of patient, steady growth. This tale taught him the importance of patience and steady growth, which became his guiding principle.

During his first attempt at the General Studies paper, he made the mistake of spending too much time on a single question, resulting in an incomplete paper. He missed qualifying by a mere four marks. Undeterred, he returned to Pune, reflected on his mistakes, and began preparing with renewed vigour.

IES Chandan Sharma on Josh Talks

Learning from Mistakes

Chandan realized that nervousness was his biggest enemy. He worked on overcoming it by writing down his mistakes and analysing them. He revised his syllabus multiple times, made notes, and appeared for mock tests to improve his performance. His dedication paid off, as his mock test ranks gradually improved from around 1000 to the top 3 or 4.

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The Final Stretch

For the Mains exam, Chandan stuck to his plan despite seeing others refer to multiple sources. His strategy worked, and he was confident of making it to the interview stage after matching his answers with the answer key. During the interview, his honesty and character were put to the test. He advises the aspirants to fill out the DAF form very carefully because a little mistake will ruin their chances of getting selected. In his form, he mentioned somewhere about mechatronics which he had a basic understanding of and he also mentioned his fascination with writing Hindi poetry. The interview board went on to ask him questions on it and they realised he did not have much idea about that while Chandan was leaving, one of the board members said, “We have a poet from Pune and he is leaving without reciting any lines.” Despite not being well-versed in mechatronics, his recitation of a poem written by him on Ramayana from Sita’s perspective left a lasting impression on the interview board, earning him 116 marks.  

Conclusion: A Dream Fulfilled

In a world where success stories are often reduced to their outcomes, Chandan’s journey to securing an All India Rank 3 in the 2019 Indian Engineering Services exam reminds us of the multifaceted challenges behind achieving one’s dreams. It is a story that transcends the individual, offering hope and inspiration to all those who dare to dream big and work tirelessly towards turning those dreams into reality. From a small village in Bihar to the prestigious corridors of the Indian Railways as an IRSE Probationer, his story serves as a motivation for countless UPSC aspirants.

Also read: Equations of Success: IAS Shubhankar Pratyush Pathak's UPSC Triumph with Mathematics Optional

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Table of Content


Early Life and Challenges

The Turning Point

The Power of Motivation

Learning from Mistakes

The Final Stretch

Conclusion: A Dream Fulfilled

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