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UPSC Topper, IRS, IPS, Mentor - Vikas Ahlawat's Journey of Success

April 29, 2024


3 Minutes

Table of Contents

Early Struggles and a Big Decision

Vikas grew up in a small village in Haryana and went to school there until he was young. But he wanted a better education, so he moved to Delhi. This move came with its own problems. Vikas was used to speaking Haryanvi, and Hindi, the language used in school, was new to him. For example, he once read the word "headache" but didn't know what it meant or how to say it. This made him realize he needed to improve his language skills.

Vikas's schoolwork wasn't easy at first. He wanted to be an engineer or go to IIT, but his grades in 11th and 12th grade were up and down. A teacher saw that Vikas could do well if he tried harder. This, along with his earlier struggles with Hindi, helped Vikas understand the importance of focusing on his studies.

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Finding his Path and Facing Challenges

By college, Vikas knew engineering wasn't what he wanted to do. He looked at his options and found he was interested in Civil Services. His father, who was a police officer, inspired him to choose this path. With his father's support, Vikas began studying for the UPSC exam in 2013.

The UPSC Rollercoaster

At first, Vikas went to coaching classes to learn more about subjects like History, Geography, and Economy, which were completely new to him. The first six months were confusing. He struggled to understand current events and even had trouble reading The Hindu, a newspaper known for its difficult English. But Vikas didn't give up. He knew he needed to study on his own on top of going to classes, so he made a plan to study for a certain amount of time each day, no matter how much work it was.

Learning from Mistakes and Changing Strategies

Vikas didn't pass the Prelims exam on his first try. He figured out that his problems were not managing his time well and being afraid to answer questions wrong. He looked at his mistakes closely. He learned that practicing writing answers was important for the Mains exam, and he focused on improving his communication skills.

Looking for UPSC Coaching?

Vikas Ahlawat on Josh Talks

Also read: Engineered for Success: IRMS Subhratosh Sharma's UPSC Success Story

The Importance of Believing in Yourself and Overcoming Setbacks

Even though Vikas kept trying, he didn't do well in the Mains and Interview stages. There was even a time when he thought about giving up. But his father's wise words about the dangers of giving up easily stuck with him. This gave Vikas new belief in himself and kept him going.

Success and Beyond

Vikas finally achieved his dream on his third try, getting a rank that allowed him to join the Indian Revenue Service (IRS). He didn't stop there. He did even better on the exam the next time, showing his amazing dedication.

Sharing Knowledge and Inspiring Others

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Vikas's story isn't just about his own success; it's also about sharing what he's learned. After joining the Indian Revenue Services, he prepared again and became an IPS officer by securing AIR 146 in UPSC CSE 2018. After working as an IPS officer for a while, he became a teacher and guide for people who want to become civil servants, especially those who want to choose History as an optional subject. He stresses the importance of believing in yourself, planning carefully, and working hard throughout your UPSC studies.

Key Ideas from Vikas's Story

  • Don't let early problems stop you: Vikas's story shows that even if you struggle with a language or your grades aren't good at first, you can still succeed if you're determined.
  • Hard work is key: To pass the UPSC exam, you need to focus and work hard all the time.
  • Learn from your mistakes and change your approach: Look at what you did wrong, figure out your weaknesses, and adjust your study plan accordingly.
  • Believe in yourself: Trust in yourself and your abilities. Don't let setbacks define you.
  • Guidance is important: Find a teacher or school that can help you prepare for the UPSC exam.

Vikas Ahlawat's story is a sign of hope for UPSC aspirants from all backgrounds. It reminds us that with strong determination, smart planning, and a never-give-up attitude, even the most difficult goals can be reached.

Must read: From Bihar's Heart to India's Pride: The Inspiring UPSC Journey of IES Chandan Sharma

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Table of Content

Early Struggles and a Big Decision

Finding his Path and Facing Challenges

The UPSC Rollercoaster

Learning from Mistakes and Changing Strategies

The Importance of Believing in Yourself and Overcoming Setbacks

Success and Beyond

Sharing Knowledge and Inspiring Others

Key Ideas from Vikas's Story

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