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Sagar Dodeja’s Journey: Conquering Engineering Exams with Wisdom and Strategy

March 17, 2024


3 Minutes

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Sagar Dodeja, an engineering graduate, embarked on a challenging journey to conquer some of the most prestigious exams like GATE and ESE. His journey was not just about hard work; it was a blend of smart strategies, understanding the essence of exams, and maintaining a positive mindset.

Embracing the Fear of Failure

During his preparation, Sagar often found himself wrestling with doubts and fears. The thought of not clearing the UPSC exam loomed over him, making him ponder his next steps. However, he did not let these fears deter his determination. Instead, he used them as stepping stones to push himself harder.

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The Power of Effort and Understanding

Sagar believes that success in exams is not just about relentless studying but also about understanding the core of what is required. “Your efforts are 50% of what you are thinking,” he says. He emphasizes the importance of comprehending the need for the examination rather than just skimming through the syllabus. According to him, the technical syllabus might be similar across various engineering branches, but the approach to solving problems should be tailored to the exam’s demands.

Tackling the Syllabus Smartly

Sagar Doodeja on Josh Talks

One common mistake that aspirants make is trying to cover the entire syllabus without focusing on the important topics. Sagar advises concentrating on the portions that are frequently asked in the exams. He suggests that completing 50% of the syllabus which covers 70-80% of the questions is a more efficient strategy than going through everything.

The Right Approach to Learning

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Sagar points out that jumping from one subject to another without proper planning can be a time-consuming trap. He recommends analyzing past papers to understand the trend of questions and focusing on the application of concepts rather than just theoretical knowledge. For exams like GATE, where questions are numerical and concept-oriented, practising problem-solving is crucial.

Trusting Logic Over Intuition

In the heat of the exam, it is easy to rely on intuition when faced with tricky questions. He advises against this. If you are unsure about an answer, it is better to rely on logic and eliminate the wrong options first. This approach can increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.

Balancing Hard Work with Smart Work

While hard work is indispensable, smart work is what sets top performers apart. Sagar emphasizes the importance of efficient time management and strategic study plans. He also stresses the significance of staying calm during exams, as stress can cloud judgment and affect performance.

Sagar’s motto, “Easy for all, stress for all,” reflects his belief that exams are a level playing field. Whether a paper is easy or difficult, it is the same for everyone. He encourages students to accept the situation, take it as a challenge, and face it with confidence.

Self-Assessment and Continuous Improvement

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Joining a test series and analyzing one’s performance is crucial, according to Sagar. It helps in identifying weak areas and reducing silly mistakes. He also advises against blindly following toppers’ study methods. What works for one person might not work for another. It is the implementation of the plan that counts.

Conclusion: Crafting Your Path to Success

Sagar Dodeja’s journey and insights offer valuable lessons for all engineering aspirants. It is not just about studying hard but studying smart, understanding the exam’s demands, and maintaining a positive attitude. Each aspirant has a unique path to success, and it is important to find what works best for you. As Sagar aptly puts it, 

“No plan is perfect. It is the implementation of the plan which makes it perfect.” 

Must read: Three Fingers, Two Rejections, One IAS: Harvinder Singh's Journey of Triumph in UPSC

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Table of Content

Embracing the Fear of Failure

The Power of Effort and Understanding

Tackling the Syllabus Smartly

The Right Approach to Learning

Trusting Logic Over Intuition

Balancing Hard Work with Smart Work

Self-Assessment and Continuous Improvement

Conclusion: Crafting Your Path to Success

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