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The Madhika Language on the Brink of Extinction

Source The Hindu

Syllabus Reference: GS I (Indian Literature) 

Why In News

In the remote colony of Kookanam near Karivellur Grama Panchayat, Kerala, the Chakaliya community is on the brink of losing its unique language, Madhika.

With only two fluent speakers remaining, the community fears the imminent extinction of Madhika, emphasizing the need to preserve and document the language for the cultural heritage of a future generation

About Madhika language

  • Madhika, a language without a script, is a fusion of Telugu, Tulu, Kannada, and Malayalam, presenting a linguistic blend that, despite resembling Kannada, can be perplexing to listeners due to its diverse influences.
  • Madhika is notably influenced by Havyaka Kannada, an ancient form of the Kannada language, adding historical depth to its linguistic makeup.

Diverse Language Families in India
India boasts several prominent language families, with Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Austric, Tibeto-Burman, and various others contributing to the linguistic tapestry of the nation.
Risk of Extinction
According to the People's Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI), a linguistic survey conducted by the NGO Bhasha Research and Publication Centre, approximately 400 languages face the threat of extinction within the next 50 years.

The Primary Cause of its Extinction

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  • The main reason behind Madhika's extinction is the lack of interest among the younger generation, who prefer mainstream languages like Malayalam, showing little enthusiasm for preserving their native language.
  • Like other fading native languages, Madhika is being overshadowed by the widespread use of Malayalam, speeding up its decline and pushing it towards obscurity.
  • The absence of documentation and the passing of older speakers pose a significant threat to Madhika's survival. Without active efforts, the language may not endure beyond the current generation.
  • To distance themselves from a history of dehumanizing treatment, many prefer speaking Malayalam identifying with their native language, further speeding up Madhika's disappearance.

About Chakaliya Community

  • The Chakaliya community, initially nomadic, were devoted worshippers of Thiruvenkatramana and Mariamma. Centuries ago, they migrated from the hilly regions of Karnataka to northern Malabar.
  • Presently, numerous community members reside in small populations across locations like Palakunnu, Kookanam, Pranthanchal, and Ezhilode.
  • Originally designated as a Scheduled Tribe (ST), the community underwent a reclassification and is now categorized under the Scheduled Caste (SC) group in Kerala

Constitutional Provisions on Languages in India
Article 29
Protects the interests of minorities, ensuring that all citizens have the right to preserve their distinct language, script, or culture.
Eighth Schedule Part XVII of the Indian Constitution addresses official languages. The Eighth Schedule recognizes 22 official languages, with six of them holding 'Classical' status.
Article 350A Mandates that every state must provide primary education in the mother tongue.
Article 350B Provides for the appointment of a "Special Officer" to safeguard the interests of linguistic minorities.
Article 351 Empower the Union government to issue directives for the development of the Hindi language.

Turkey's Legislature Approves Sweden's NATO Membership

Source: The Hindu

GS (International Relation & Institution)

Why In News

On Tuesday (January 23), Sweden's endeavor to join NATO overcame a significant obstacle when the Turkish parliament endorsed its membership. Joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) requires approval from all existing member countries, and for nearly two years, Turkey and Hungary had opposed Sweden's entry. 

About NATO

  • Established in April 1949, NATO is a military alliance formed by the United States, Canada, and Western European nations to ensure collective security against the Soviet Union.
  •  It currently has 31 member states, with (Finland joining in April 2023 as the 31st member)
  • Headquarters:  Brussels, Belgium.


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  • Political Objectives: NATO promotes democratic values, encouraging member consultation and cooperation on defence and security. The goal is to address issues, build trust, and prevent conflicts.
  • Military Objectives:  Committed to peaceful dispute resolution, NATO possesses military capabilities for crisis management when diplomatic efforts fall short.

Why did Turkey oppose Sweden's Bid?

  • Turkey objected to Sweden, alleging leniency towards groups it considered terrorists, particularly the Kurdish militant outfit. 
  • Experts linked Turkey's position on Sweden to the US agreeing to sell 40 F-16 fighter jets to Ankara, Turkey's capital. While the US didn't explicitly tie the deal to Sweden's actions, the timing raised suspicions of a potential connection

Why does Sweden seek NATO Membership?

  • Having refrained from war for two centuries and maintaining neutrality during the World Wars and the Cold War, Sweden joined the European Union and collaborated with NATO without expressing interest in military alliance membership. However, Russia's invasion of Ukraine compelled Sweden to abandon its neutrality.
  • In 2022, with growing public support, both Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership. 

Vice President inaugurates Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace

Source: PIB

GS I (Indian heritage sites)

Why In News

The 12th General Assembly of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace was recently inaugurated by the Vice President of India in New Delhi.

About Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP)

Founded in 1970 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP) emerged as a voluntary movement uniting followers of Buddhism, encompassing both monastic (monks) and lay members. 

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Headquarters: The ABCP is currently headquartered at the Ganden Tegchenling Monastery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Leadership: The Supreme Head of Mongolian Buddhists serves as the President of ABCP.

Aims of ABCP

  • Unity for Peace The primary objective of ABCP is to unite the endeavors of Buddhists in fostering universal peace, harmony, and cooperation among the diverse peoples of Asia.
  • Economic and Social Progress ABCP is dedicated to advancing the economic and social well-being of communities, advocating for justice, and upholding human dignity.
  • Cultural Dissemination The organization is committed to disseminating Buddhist culture, tradition, and heritage, contributing to the preservation and promotion of these valuable aspects across the Asian region.

Highlights of the 12th General Assembly of ABCP


The overarching theme of the assembly, "ABCP - The Buddhist Voice of Global South," mirrors India's dedication, evident in its G20 presidency and the Voice of Global South Summit.

India's Commitment to Buddha's Legacy

India took center stage as a nation guided by the principles of Buddha, emphasizing its deep-rooted commitment to the legacy of Buddhism.

Proactive Role of India  

The assembly underscored India's proactive role in the development of the Buddhist circuit and the establishment of the India International Centre for Buddhist Culture, showcasing the nation's commitment to fostering Buddhist values and heritage.

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Table of Content

The Madhika Language on the Brink of Extinction

About Madhika language

The Primary Cause of its Extinction

About Chakaliya Community

Turkey's Legislature Approves Sweden's NATO Membership

About NATO

Why did Turkey oppose Sweden's Bid?

Why does Sweden seek NATO Membership?

Vice President inaugurates Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace

About Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP)

Highlights of the 12th General Assembly of ABCP

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